Discover "Balkan VEGAN" at Vienna's Vegan Planet 2023. Immerse yourself in a plant-based culinary journey through the flavors of the Balkans. Experience traditional recipes transformed into cruelty-free masterpieces. Join us and celebrate the richness of vegan cuisine and culture.

MAK Museum Wien, 19.11. at 11 am

Jelena, Igor, and their son Bor form a small family of three who have collaboratively created a web portal called "BITEwithZEST." On this platform, they share delicious plant-based recipes, explore interesting aspects of the vegan lifestyle, and strongly promote love for animals. Jelena, a professional designer, has successfully infused her creativity, passion for cooking, and exploration of various flavors into this website. Together with her husband and their ten-year-old son, they have created something truly unique - the book "Balkan VEGAN." This book is the first of its kind, bridging seemingly incompatible concepts: the Balkans and veganism. This time, they offer you the opportunity to experience the richness of authentic Balkan flavors in a healthy and vegan way.


Vegan Planet 2023
📅 18.-19. November 2023
Sat. 18. November: 10 am - 7 pm
Sun. 19. November: 10 am - 6 pm

🏠 MAK Wien
Weiskirchnerstr. 3
1010 Wien

🚌 U3 Stubentor
